Cult Film Club Podcast

In this episode Pax talks about the novelization of the first Sam Raimi/Tobey Maguire Spider-Man movie from 2002!  Lots of extra info in this one, so download and listen up True Believers!

Direct download: Spider-Man_2002_by_Peter_David.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:41pm EST

Today we’re releasing a special bonus episode, a very special Field Trip excursion that Paxton, Jaime and I took back in December when we packed up our mics and raided the Totally Rad Christmas podcast. After kicking down the door and setting up our equipment we joined TRC host Jerry to discuss the 1984 Charles Band classic, Trancers. Starring Tim Thomerson & Helen Hunt, this Empire Pictures sci-fi cult classic was a staple of mom and pop video stores all over the country. Jerry was kind enough to let us cross-post this episode into our feed, so why not have a little Christmas in May as we chat about the flick. You can find the Totally Rad Christmas podcast on your favorite podcatcher of choice, or visit them at totally rad to listen to a whole bunch of holiday insanity. And without further to do, let’s get on with the show…

Direct download: CFC_Field_Trip_Episode_2_-_Trancers_on_Totally_Rad_Christmas_DEC_2021.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 12:00am EST

The Cult Film Club is in session again and in honor of the coming summer season we're kicking things off (wokka wokka) with our favorite crossdressing soccer movie Ladybugs from 1992. Staring Jonathan Brandis, Rodney Dangerfield and Jackee, the film is a weird mishmash of genres including the rag tag sports team, drag movie, and racy comedy. Join us as we discuss the film, the soundtrack, and how well (or not so well) the movie has aged in the past 30 years.

Direct download: CFC_Ladybugs.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 11:38am EST