Cult Film Club Podcast

Welcome back for Episode 3 of the Cult Film Club. This time Jaime, Paxton and Shawn convene at the clubhouse to discuss the 1966 Sergio Corbucci spaghetti western, Django! Though always in the shadow of Leone’s Dollars Trilogy, and banned in many countries for decades, Django enthralled viewers by introducing new levels of ultra-violence and debauchery to the western genre. Starring Franco Nero, the film centers around a lone stranger caught between two warring factions, seeking revenge, and dragging a coffin full of chaos wherever he goes.

In this episode we talk about how each of us came to the western genre, our preferences on English Dubs versus subtitles, modern westerns versus the classic era, how we feel about the violence in the film, the many influences and homage’s in Django, as well as our favorite scenes. We also dig into Franco Nero’s career and play Hollywood moguls as we recast the film with modern actors.

Direct download: CFC_Episode_3_Django.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 12:30am EST

Join hosts Paxton Holley, Jaime Hood, and Shawn Robare as they explore the weird and wonderful world of Cult cinema in the Cult Film Club Podcast.  For part 2 of the second episode, the trio decide to side-step discussion about a specific movie in order to have a general rountable on the concept of Cult Film in general.  We talk about our personal experiences with cult films, list some of our favorites and also find some time to recast some of our favorite cult films.  Grab a bag of Big Kahuna burgers, a few tasty beverages and find a seat.  The movie is about to begin!

Direct download: CFC_Full_Episode_2_part_2_Personal_Cult_Film_Talk.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST