Cult Film Club Podcast

On this episode of the Cult Film Club hosts Jaime, Pax and Shawn strap on some multicolored bandanas, pick out their favorite ninja weapons and prepare to get radical while discussing the 1990 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie!  Starring Corey Feldman, Robbie Rist, Brian Tochi, Josh Pais, Kevin Clash, Judith Hoag, and Elias Koteas the film was directed by the visionary behind Ah Ha's Take On Me music video, Steve Barron and featured creature and costume effects by the legendary Jim Henson Studios.  We talk about the character's creation Kevin Eastman & Peter Laird, the comics, cartoon, and toys that preceded the flick and how this ninja turtle phenomenon effects us.  We also dig into the soundtrack, some of the familiar faces that pop up (Skeet Ulrich? Check. Sam Rockwell? Check.), as well as taking a quick look at the legacy of the Turtles on film.  So sit back, cue up and show and remember, never pay full price for late pizza!

Direct download: Cult_Film_Club_Episode_18_-_Teenage_Mutant_Ninja_Turtles_1990.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 7:03am EST