Cult Film Club Podcast

In this epsiode of the Cult Film Club Pax, Jaime and Shawn take a metaphorical road trip both back in time and down to central Florida to see the almost lost cult classic, Miami Connection.  We rock out with the heroic taekwando band Dragon Sound, go into berserker rages while fighting drug dealing ninjas, and we all look for our lost fathers, because we're all like, orphans and junk.  Is this not making sense?  Well, it'll make a whole lot more after we talk about the pure insanity that is Miami Connection.  So grow out your best looking John Oates mustache, grab someone's nose with your toes, and join the fight against the ninja!

Direct download: Cult_Film_Club_Episode_10_-_Miami_Connection.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 12:00am EST