Cult Film Club Podcast

In this episode of the Cult Film Club hosts Jaime, Shawn and Pax tackle the seriously under-appreciated 80s teen comedy Just One of the Guys!  Starring Joyce Hyser, Billy Jayne (Jacoby), Billy Zabka, and Clayton Rohner, the film centers around aspiring writer Terry as she learns the hard way that sometimes it sucks to be a girl.  After having her article entry for the local paper's internship contest squashed by her journalism teacher, Terry decides that the only way she can get a fair shake is to switch schools, and genders.  Terry goes undercover as Terrance to submit her article for the contest but soon finds herself mixed up with a local bully, the romantic life of her new friend Rick, and trying to keep her little brother from getting an STD.

We talk about our history with the film, the wonderful cast, the amazing soundtrack, and why this film hasn't found the appreciative audience that it really deserves...

Direct download: CFC_Episode_32_-_Just_One_Of_The_Guys.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 12:00am EST